Sunday, October 17, 2010

Another week?

IMG_0022 Sunday to Sunday. Having a baby in the house is definitely a change in lifestyle. Days and dates just move right on by. Mostly I just get to hold Patricia and help her go to sleep. Everything else is done for her by her Mother. Occasionally Monica leaves to go to a nearby shop, and of course Patricia decides just as she leaves to start crying. Yikes! But it is so much fun to see how much change occurs day to day. She recognizes us now, she’s starting to grasp some, her legs are really strong and she enjoys standing on them – with support of course. She laughs and “talks” to us. In this photo she is sitting on her own for the first time. I tease Monica that Patricia will have an American accent.

We had visitors Friday – Monica’s father (Patricia’s grandfather: Jaja) and her cousin-brother. Godfrey, (Jaja) was amazed at how much she has changed in the past 2 weeks. It was really great to see her just gazing at his face while he held her.

And Friday was my Mother’s birthday (Betty) – I called and sang Happy Birthday to her. Update on Dad – he’s in a rehabilitation facility and yesterday was able to feed himself. They also had him standing with assistance. Each step is step towards recovery. To God be the glory – thank you for your prayers and concern. My Aunt Ruth had gall bladder surgery Friday and is now home.

“Rejoice in the Lord always” Phil. 4:4a

Blessings on your day.

1 comment:

  1. When I was in Tanzania, we'd joke that one of the boys who stayed with me, Suma, would not only have an American accent but a Southern one at that! They'd tease me b/c I didn't say 'North Caroliiiiina' and said it 'normal' and they didn't understand why someone from there didn't have the 'twang' - SO funny!! Praying for you!!
