Thursday, November 10, 2011

Visiting Joyce and others

What a delightful woman. A retired nurse probably in her late 70s or 80s, tiny in stature. Joy bubbles through her very being though she is confined to her chair. I had the privilege of praying with her. She is responsible for her son's children and uses her small pension to pay for their school fees. This visit was part of my training. I accompanied Reverend Gad to visit elderly and infirm people from the church. In the course of our visits we met and prayed with a woman who told us her step-mother had just died. Then we visited another woman who is caring for her great grand children. She has a small shop that sells a few items. As we were there, another woman who attends the church asked if we would pray for her - she asked for prayer for her family and especially for her business. The woman in the next shop also requested for prayer and there we learned that her young daughter has been falling, but the doctors have not been able to determine a cause. So we prayed with them as well. I hope to visit the older women again.

Today I learned that Reverend James had been called back from his training because his wife had been admitted to the hospital. Along with some students from the Diocesan Training College, I visited Elizabeth and prayed with them.

What a gift God has given us to be part of His healing ministry through visits and prayer.

Blessings on your day.

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